Tallman's Site of Stuff

Eating their food on their national day

Boil-up – Belize

September 21st, 2013

On the 21st of September 1981 the former British colony of Belize received their independence.

2013-09-21 20.24.25

Belize is a eastern coastal country in central America and has a history of pain through colonial wars and slave trading within empires. It became a British colony in 1862, it was named British Honduras.

Plans to grant independence to British Honduras began in the 1950’s with the colony being renamed Belize in the early 1970’s before receiving independence in 1981 (although it took 11 years for neighbouring country Guatemala to recognise their nationhood).



1/2 large carrot
2 potatoes
1 small sweet potato
1 onion
1 green banana
2 tomatoes
Coconut oil

1 Cup self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup of water

1. In a large pot add water, sprinkle of salt and a splash of olive oil. Heat water to a boil. Then add the potatoes sweet potatoes, and carrot (all in thick chunks). When the veggies are cook remove from the water.
2. Mix the flour,salt and water to make a dough. Break into 4 dumplings. Cook in remaining veggie water.
3. Heat a little oil in a sauce pan. Cut the onion into rings. Sauté onions and tomatoes.
4 Place veggies and dumplings on a plate, add the sauce over the top.
5. Eat!

Tall's World Food Journey

Eating their food on their national day